In October 2012, as part of a UK government initiative, representatives of key industries that work with palm oil came together to commit to achieving 100% sourcing of certified sustainable palm oil.

Industries represented in the initiative:

  • Energy
  • Commercial
  • Retail
  • Food production
  • Agriculture
  • Hospitality

The government released its final annual review of progress towards achieving its sustainability goals and found significant transformation of UK markets that have led to an increase in purchases of CSPO.

Agents of various sectors were asked to report on key developments and successes, summarise percentage levels of sourcing of sustainable palm oil, and submit an overview of progress since October 2012.

Findings show a near threefold increase in CSPO purchases

The report indicates that the number of RSPO-certified volumes purchased in the UK has almost tripled, representing a 50-59% increase from 2012, when the commitment began. Most notably, the palm oil biofuel sector reached their target of 100% CSPO sourcing by 2015.

The findings show that 89% of the sales consist of physical CSPO, while Book and Claim certificates were used where difficulties remained in sourcing Mass Balance or Segregated CSPO in certain derivatives.

Although the four year initiative is complete, the UK government continues to collaborate with NGOs, industry leaders, and other stakeholders to incentivise sustainable palm oil production and reduce carbon emissions as a signatory of the Amsterdam Declaration.

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